
Back to School 2021

31 Aug 2021 Uncategorized

Direct Billing To Insurance and Affordable Payment Plans!


Summer is coming to a close and back to school is under way. I hope that everyone has created some wonderful
memories this summer while staying healthy. Autumn is a time when we focus more on ourselves.


Having a dental check-up during this season can help you get back on track with a healthy dental routine, which can
often be neglected during the relaxed summer months. We are here to help you improve your oral health.

Your oral health is very important as it is the gateway to the internals of your body. For children: are their teeth
lining up correctly? Are they losing their baby teeth at the appropriate time? Are their permanent teeth
erupting properly? Please take this time to help us assess your oral health so that we can get you started on the right foot this autumn.

Dr Ung had the honour of
being the resident dentist
for this year’s Roger’s Cup
tennis tournament in






We Accept The New
Canadian Dental Care Program!
Contact Us For More Details!

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